- Tell me about how you use TRIOS at your practice
- I have made the trios part of almost every aspect of my dentistry, I use it in my routine dental examinations as a tool to help patients become more aware of what is happening in their mouths, the engagement you get from a digital scan is outstanding and patients comment positively all the time. Scanning is faster now than digital photography and it helps patients take ownership of their own dental condition. The scans taken are used going forward as part of patient monitoring for tooth movement and tooth wear. For more complex cases it is such a great tool for helping plan cases, not having to wait on study casts coming back from the laboratory and more easily seeing the condition and colour of restorations is such a useful tool. For orthodontics I have almost entirely stopped taking impressions for appliances and even find myself taking scans as treatment progresses to show patients the changes in the monitoring app. Restoratively I use it for almost everything the speed and ability to retake imperfections or unclear margins is amazing compared to impressions.
- The smile simulator is particularly useful in treatment planning complex restorative cases and gauging the patients aims and understanding of what is involved
- How do your patients like it? What kind of feedback do you get from your patients?
- Patients are really impressed and get very much engaged, they have never seen their teeth in a fashion that is so easy to understand.
- For you, what has been the biggest benefit to implementing TRIOS at your practice?
- Patient engagement and uptake on treatments has improved but the biggest part of being able to take a scan in a couple of mins as part of an examination rather than having to schedule someone for a scan
- Some of you have multiple scanning technologies at your practice – why do you reach for TRIOS over any of the other scanners you have?
- I have had cerec for over 10 years, first a 3D then the omnicam and while it is brilliant for chairside, it doesn’t compare for ease of use.
- What kind of advice have you got to offer other dentists who are considering investing in an Intra Oral Scanner?
- The days when you had to ben super keen or engaged to get the most out of digital dentistry are gone, with minimal training it is easy to incorporate this technology and really make it part of your routine.
- For you, has the implementation of TRIOS resulted in a definitive ROI for your business?
- I’ve never been great at tracking the numbers as a result I have bought plenty of kit that hasn’t seen any ROI but far more patients are appreciating their oral condition and taking up treatments such as aligner therapy and more early intervention on tooth wear
- The apps such as treatment simulator and smile designer increase patients awareness of what is possible and it is fast enough to use at the drop of a hat, when something is slow or awkward to use it is a barrier to me in being able to use it, these are quick enough to do in just a few minutes.
- How do you adopt TRIOS in your role as an IAS trainer?
- I can’t help but bang on about it in courses how it makes communication easier and help patient’s understand how their teeth meet together and how things change over time.
- The apps
- For any dentists delivering IAS treatments, are there any benefits TRIOS can offer them?
We always suggest that patients are given clear options so that with guidance they can choose an appropriate treatment, the trios scanner and the apps such as treatment simulator and patient monitoring makes that easier for the patients to understand an dto say yes to.
- How important has choosing the right reseller been for you? And what kind of support needs have you had?
- The training from ESM for the whole team has been excellent in making sure we can properly utilise it to the potential we had hoped for .
- Thankfully we have had few problems with the system and any minor issues are quickly and efficiently dealt with by the ESM support team.
- The trios is such an important part of my daily practice that I hate to have any down time with it
- Have you implemented any other digital technologies at your practice in addition to TRIOS?
- We have been using digital records, radiographs for almost 15 years and cerec chairside for over 10 years, it is just how we do things.
- Do all of the labs you work with accept TRIOS scans? How does TRIOS benefit your lab communication and the restorative side of your business?
- I pretty much only work with labs now that accept digital scans, implant work, ortho, restorative, partial dentures are all done digitally. The abilty to speed up workflow and include things like annotations on the scans, shade mapping, and relevant notes, photos etc all in one place makes commincation seemless.
- What is your most favourite feature of TRIOS & why?
It has got to be the speed, it is fast enough to be able to utilise it whenever you need rather than needing to set time aside for it