The Elos family just got two new members. Meet the taller Hybrid Base Engaging and the Non Engaging Hybrid Base which is not just taller but cylindrical also. Two new features that offer confidence and strength to your screw retained restorations.
Built on Experience
The team at Elos have built on their original component design to offer an Engaging Hybrid Base that has a taller chimney height. This gives the Technician and the Clinician greater confidence in the restoration strength and durability, particularly when dealing with deeply placed implants.

Angulation on Single Units
The introduction of an increased cut out on the chimney ensures that angulation of up to 28O can be achieved on single unit restorations.
A Champion for Bridge Applications
The conical design of the Non-Engaging Hybrid Base has always been a winner when it comes to the flexibility offered at try in or for the intraoral cementation of bridges. Increased strength is achieved with the new cylindrical design of and the original flexibility can be achieved by combining components in the one bridge.
Doing Things the Right Way
Elos have invested considerable engineering effort into designing components that work and stand up to the demanding loads and environment they are exposed to. To make sure that the final restoration takes full advantage of the designed strength, it is important that the cementation IFU is understood and followed.
Find out more about the rigorous design processes at Elos
Find out more about the correct use of the components with the most up to date IFU
Make sure you have the most up to date library information for your CAD package